COVID-19 Recovery Programs and Services Available in Tulare County


Local Food Resources

There are many organizations, non-profits, and businesses within Tulare County available to help meet the food needs of local residents.  Please keep in mind, these resources may change.  If you would like the most current information on a specific resource please visit their website or call directly.

Food Pantries

Food Link Pantry/Nutrition on the Go:

Hot Meals

Visalia Rescue Mission (breakfast and dinner):

Bethlehem Center (breakfast and lunch):


CalFresh provides monthly benefits to help low-income individuals and households buy health and nutritious food. For more information on CalFresh you may call 1-800-540-6880 or To apply online for please visit Or

Meal Delivery for Seniors

Meals on Wheels: 1-800-321-2462

Tulare County 2-1-1

2-1-1 Tulare County connects our communities with resources, services, and opportunities such as housing, utilities, food, mental health services, health services, and more.

Call:  2-1-1     Website:


Resources for Mental Health, Emotional Support and Well-being


24-hour Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

1-800-273-8255 or text 838255

24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline:

1-800-799-7233 or click Chat Now

Call 911 if you or the person you are helping is in immediate danger.


Tulare County Mental Health Services

While we are spending more time at home, and almost all our daily routines have been disrupted, it is crucial to be aware of how stress is affecting one’s self, family and friends.  If you are experiencing intense signs of stress for several days or even weeks, schedule an appointment with a mental health provider.

The Tulare County Mental Health line at 1-800-500-4465 is available for assistance.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is changing life for all of us. You may feel anxious, stressed, worried, sad, bored, depressed, lonely or frustrated in these circumstances. You’re not alone.

There are strategies for managing stress such as:

  • Be mindful of your intake of information from news sources about the virus, and consider taking breaks from it.
  • Maintain social contact with supportive relationships like friends, family or others, by phone, text, or internet.
  • Treat your body kindly: eat healthy foods, avoid excessive alcohol, and exercise as you are able.
  • Call your health care provider if your anxiety interferes with your daily activities.


Hotlines if you need to talk to someone 

If you are feeling overwhelmed with sadness, depression, or anxiety, or feel like you want to harm yourself or others, you can call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline by dialing 9-8-8 or also by calling 1-800-273-8255.

There are additional resources available if you are in crisis:

For more emotional health resources visit the California COVID-19 Response website.



The TulareWORKs Family Advocate responds to inquiries, complaints, or concerns regarding various TulareWORKs services, including CalWORKs (cash aid), Medi-Cal, CalFresh (formerly known as Food Stamps), and General Assistance (GA). During these challenging times we realize some may need financial assistance in order to continue providing for yourself and your families.  You can apply for assistance by visiting the My CalWin Benefits website.


Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

If you or someone you know has been financially affected by events and are pregnant, just had a baby or have children under the age of five, WIC is accepting applications for new families and is here to help provide healthy foods and other resources.  WIC is designed to help pregnant women, new mothers, and young children eat well and stay healthy.

Eligible families, dads, grandparents and foster parents caring for eligible children should contact WIC by phone at 1-800-360-8840

For more information visit the Tulare County Health and Human Services WIC website.